How to Develop Self Confidence - Trending topic and Information

How to Develop Self Confidence

how to become self confidence
Develop Self Confidence
If you want to know the difference in people's lives of all comes down to one of the things that must be person shoots so let me tell you this we said have an extraordinary life you've got an extraordinary psychology right extraordinary psychology and you gotta live in an extraordinary States an extraordinary state you got to condition your nervous system your body your physiology and focus to be at their best to agree with this yes or no to do that though you can do that why doesn't everybody because you can't we all have the ability is because of our standards remember time early in my career is about 24 I want to do a seminar in boston and those days a big summer afternoons like 125 people there was a three-day seminar and we worked around the clock and people made such extraordinary changes in your life at the end of it I was feeling so fulfill those thinking my god and 24 maybe 25 at the time and I am so happy because I have found my mission in life i'm doing what i love it's making a difference in people's lives extraordinary so we finished about midnight on Sunday night around midnight you know I'm still wound up so I don't feel like going to bed so I decided okay let me take a walk here and i decided to go through copley square if you've been to properly square you know it's pretty neat place because in copley square you can look up and you see buildings that were here before we were known as the united states besides maybe skyscrapers that our new it's pretty cool place some walking around midnight on Sunday night there's nobody in copies for midnight sunday night I'm walking along and I see this guy in the distance is kind of stumbling back and forth between the gutter and the sidewalk the long trench coming on as heads down like this is all the brown bag and I can start to smell them even before i get there and thinking this guy is obviously drunk and I started closer I thought I bet he's gonna beg me for some money and sure enough whatever you focus on life tends to happen doesn't so sure enough it's real close to me and I thought you said he wasn't gonna do it also pop that was really moving mr. music bizarre-looking sounding voice but this turn could you loan me cord ipod do i want to reward this behavior and I thought I don't want to suffer you have this to limit sometimes like you know i'm not here to judge so using my phone inside of ours just give even a person pulling a scam that's for them to deal with have the ability that I get and so I thought we could I teach him something so I asked him a question back i said is that all you want the corner single yeah just 14 1 cor change my wife that's really together to reach in my pocket and pulled out my money club and those days are very young just starting to succeed in my original mentor was a man named jim rohn and then we heard cameronian yeah it's a great guy and Jim told me to Tony look you've come from her background up or psychology gotta change it he said you know any money so pretend you do he said start training your brain condition is it ghost of all you want to get three hundred dollar bills and put them on the outside of money clip even though you only have five bucks in between every time you put out you see that you feel inspired you feel better he said you feel better it sounds like okay like this i put my money clip sure enough 
how to become self confidence
Develop Self Confidence
I got traded also make sure he saw the bills so I'm tearing through that right look in between there see if I can find some change but I made sure he saw sure enough he's working at the girls check it out and find the core pull it out take money put my pocket I notice he's watching my handgun in the bottom I took the corner I looked at him and I said sir life will pay any price you ask him again recorded then something really interesting and took the court he looked at the corner he looked at me he looked in my pocket look back on the court looked at me looked in my pocket look at me and look at the court looked at my pocket look back at me and said you're we're and then shuffled off like this and I thought to myself wow what's the difference between him and me when I was 24 25 the time do what i love most my mission in life and he's in his early sixties drunk on the street begging four quarters what's the difference and I thought well maybe God's plus because i'm such a good person and thoughts and he's such a bad person that such ball and I thought well maybe the answer to that question is what i just told yet life will pay whatever price you ask amit you know what's interesting you gotta ask intelligently in the Bible says ask and you shall what in pretty good formula got to look into it but you know what this is asking you shall receive but i'm sure it meant ask intelligently I'm sure that's what God met I'm sure he didn't mean bitch and you will receive wine and you will receive I don't think that was the instruction now if you're going to ask you intelligently there might be five elements of that number one you have to have specifically wouldn't you would ask a generally people who also i want more money fine here's a dollar get outta here very often you're getting what you're asking for use not aware of how general you're asking clarity is power the more clear you are about exactly what it is you want the more your brain knows how to get that your brain is a servomechanism it's like what to go for it will find a way to get there you buy a certain outfit or a certain car and suddenly see that car off at everywhere had that experience that I how come that carpet everywhere always was everywhere but now you notice it in reasons there's a part of your brain called the reticular activating system the RAS that part of your brain determines what you notice and what you don't notice your brains most of its time to make sure you don't notice because you'll go crazy he knows everything but when you decide what's most important to you your brain goes after everyone i know successfully build when I called rpm plan and rpms be built on the metaphor that the way to get from where you are to where you want to go to the fastest you've got to help our like a car rpms and the R stands for they know the results after they know what they want precisely if you don't know exactly what you want or you let yourself get me on that something general you're not going to achieve clarity is power you got a specific result you have what you want you can answer that question right now in your personal life in your body and your relationships and your finances and your spirituality and you're not going to be as filters you want to be today we have the answer those questions at least the second part of that you gotta know p why you're doing it because you know what you're going to be goals i want to make a billion dollars i want to bring peace to the earth why consumers come over the goal all the obstacles show up unless you get enough emotional drive to break through that you're never gonna discover what it really takes you got to get yourself past that we get past us having of reasons reasons come first answers come sec this man did not know what he wanted to not have enough reason to ask intelligent you're gonna have specifically to ask intelligent you know why you want to have applied to make it happen of juice to make it happen if you don't have enough reasons you will not make it happen
how to become self confidence
Develop Self Confidence
I am is what is your massive action plan what is gonna get you actually fall through because the first plans not gonna work in the second round works you don't have enough plan that the first you don't work you still got some mills otherwise you're going to have any excuses right in order so asking intelligently requires that so we're going to be extraordinary in our results we've got an extraordinary state you know what we want we're going to use it by the model the actions of those who succeeded before you can be the best financial investor emotional time of a spiritual time in your life you better take control of your state and if you think you're going to do it just by today you're wrong you're going to need to get yourself some rituals right now everyone in this room is controlled by your rituals I don't just mean this one I mean every morning you get out I know your body i can look at your body right now and I can guess your rituals some of your rituals to work out five times a week I can see it clearly for the six times a week it's obvious because you can look like that if you didn't do that some form of workout kept walking lifting whatever somebody is obviously lifting weights party can see by the man's muscles I know I know what is rituals are because your life comes from your rituals but you don't give up the ritual you're kidding yourself how many agree with me on this region and say I and there are rituals to put you in state original to take you asking your rituals in your relationship if rituals with your body your virtual surround your finances and the rituals that worked in the reaping time of all the markets in business in real estate those rituals work that if you do the right thing at the wrong time you get paid ok then again if you do the regulatory I'm doing the right thing but i'm not being rewarded if you do the right thing it's a long time you get rewarded campaign so you better do the right thing at the right time and do that you better know what season you're into that you're gonna learn how to change your state how to take control of your own condition that's what I live does this make sense to yes or no come on guys yes or no so now it's time to train yourself to do that also your fasiqun change traditions for second show you even you just focus finest moment nobody getting attached to the pier chair with some energy make sure buddy next year's of a strong state for otherwise adjust their state about changing physiology what we're gonna do see particular some I don't know do this i want to look around this room right now and find everything in this room that you can find this brown faster can look around look for brown look for brown look around look around look for brown look for brown but for brown get close your eyes i'm gonna give you test with your eyes closed now shout out loud everything you saw it was red if you see a lot more brown right now than red say yes open your eyes look to read now I want you to really look for red look for rad look for red with red anything you find a tragic for wrapped around you look for red laser him if you feel more read this time and say I why did you find more rest stop because seek and you shall that's right whatever you focus on your going to find it in fact let me tell you something you'll even find it when it's not there how many soft burgundy called red just got more things you're counting and say I come on see whatever you're looking for you're gonna find so if you want to change your life my friends you're going to change your physiology and you gotta change your focus by the way how fast can you change that's not how fast how fast how fast come on in a heartbeat once you reach Ainge your conditioning all you got to do it fast you do with a question or two try this right now answer this question might be honest what in your life today if you wanted to be could you feel proud about right if you want to feel proud of you select should be proud if you want to brown what could you be proud of us today your children your house bodies are probably faced instead of running from it you finally stepped up and handle it you feel proud of the elected if you wanted to a problem how many can pick us up when you think about this thing you're proud of what about that makes you feel proud when you focus on digital crown how do you breathe you really started to a proud what kind of look at your face starts to happen when you let yourself think of another area life in your life that you're grateful for not result you want to marry you great for you really want to we can think of something what about battery focus on makes everything I feel really truly film if you wanted to be excited about your life right now and you want to be excited like everybody else's trend what could you feel excited about in your life if you wanted to you could get excited about if you're really focused you were negative place what would you get excited are you excited okay to get excited about maybe you can think of something too excited about right now champions round when you're really excited about it but about that excites you when you really excited how do you feel how do you speak with your life by the way when you're excited doesn't tend to touch other people yes or no only two people have a tendency battlefield different light coming to see a couple moments ago regions they I why because focus is controlled by questions if you ask a different question continuously that was continuously you will get a different answer if you ask a lousy question it allows the insert allowing States so why does this always happen to be it doesn't always happen to you but the brain like a computer asking a question you have to come up with an answer because you deserve it you idiot someone say how come I can never lose weight you can't keep saying how come again this way from the magical music mousey questions great but how's the answers ask that question get a better answer negative 12 gap I want two together you can change your state how baskets how fast how fast and if you get the habit of doing it you have a different life...

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